Perverted Doctrine by Guy Duininck

Very sound teaching from brother Guy Duininck of Master’s Touch Ministries in Tulsa, Ok.

— Perverted Doctrine —

From True or False – Judging Doctrine and Leadership

Perverted doctrine is unsound teaching which results when individuals transform a truth from the Word of God into something completely different than what it wasintended to mean. The word “perverted” used in the New Testament most often means, “to change something into it’s opposite.” In the book of Acts, this word is used of the sun being turned to darkness [Acts 2:20]. James used this word to describe laughter being turned into mourning [James 4:9]. When a teaching is perverted, it is usually changed into the opposite of what it was intended to mean.

Paul used the word “perverted” to describe the unsound teaching of false ministers who were negatively influencing the churches of Galatia. He wrote,

“…there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.” Galatians 1:7-8

Paul constantly dealt with false ministers who perverted the truth in order to gain control in local churches. One perversion of truth he addressed in the churches of Galatia was the issue of Christian liberty. He wrote,

“…brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh…” Galatians 5:13

Why did Paul have to warn these believers not to use their liberty in Christ as an opportunity to sin? Because there were those who perverted the doctrine of liberty, using it as an excuse to indulge the passions of the flesh. What was meant to be a wonderful truth about liberty in Christ was perverted into a license to sin.

In his letter to the church at Rome, Paul instructed believers about the grace of God. He taught them the New Covenant truth that because they were under grace, they were free from the law. He warned them, however, not to use this truth of grace as a license to sin, but to be self disciplined by reckoning themselves dead to sin and alive to God [Romans 6:1-23].

The true doctrine of grace can be easily perverted into a license to sin. In face, Jude wrote of false teachers who were perverting this very doctrine. He said they were, “ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness” [Jude 4]. These ungodly men, posing as ministers, perverted the revelation of God’s grace through Christ.

When perverted, the truth about God’s grace was no longer a reason for rejoicing and a motivation to please God by living righteously, but became a teaching that authorized believers to exercise lust through excess and indecency.

Is perverted doctrine dangerous? Notice what Paul said concerning those who perverted the gospel he preached,

“…some…pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:7-8

To “be accursed” meant to be “damned to hell.” Those who pervert the truth may be in danger of damnation! God does not like perverted doctrine or those who teach it! The results are too debilitating for the church!

True or False : Judging Doctrine & Leadership

You can check out brother Guy Duininck’s Ministry on facebook.
